Special delivery! See our visiting baby camels (Dec. 6–19) and yaks (Dec. 20–Jan. 5) this holiday. Learn more
This Valentine's Day, send a Love Letter to your favorite Academy animal, biologist, diver, or scientist to let them know how they set your heart aflutter. We’ll make sure your letter reaches its intended recipient (we’ll even read out loud to Claude if necessary, promise), and you can read other Love Letters by clicking any image below. To write yours, just use our easy form:
Dear Acadamy Family,
You are all awesome!! The dedication, creativity, education, passion and inspiration you all have for science and the natural world all around us makes our family hopeful for the future. No matter how old we get, we still feel the excitement of a childs mind and heart every time we visit. Thank you so much!!!!!!!
Love, The Hensley Family
Dear AL (Australian Lungfish)
You may be feeling neglected this Valentine's Day, but I want you to know that at least one person is thinking of you. My Mom first brought my brother & me to the Academy in 1952. I remember 3 things from that trip: The dolphin fountain, looking through the seahorse railing at the alligators and turtles in the swamp, and YOU. I remember you because my brother said, "Wow! What a cool fish!" (I actually thought you were kinda homely, but endearing nonetheless.) Hope you're getting some love there!
Cheers! Anne
Dear Cardinal Tetra Family,
I love to see you all swimming in beautiful harmony in your Amazonian habitat. To me you are the most beautiful fish in the whole of aquaria! I am also from a large wonderful family; we love our big gatherings but we seldom achieve your level of Zen. And the way you catch the light simply dazzles! I look forward to gazing on your colorful splendor again soon!
Love and wet fishy kisses, Ms. Tami
The Academy
I love you folks: You are helping this struggling planet and its inhabitants.
George Skinner
Dear Academy,
I have always loved the Academy and all you do. Starting as a child, I loved every field trip, at least once a year, and couldn't wait to see the fish and other inhabitants of the aquariums. Not a big surprise, I graduated from UCB with a degree in Zoology and best of all got to do a special project working behind the scenes with part of the Academy collection! Now I take my great-grandkids to enjoy everything, right along with me. Keep up the inspirational work.
Love, Kay Johnson
To all staff and animals
Thank you to all staff that maintain the Academy of Science. You guys rock! Sending love and hugs to all the animals in the Academy of Science. Happy Valentines!!
Loving you The Ramirez family
Dear Aquarium divers
Always love to see you in there feeding the fish. Reminds me of my old diving days. Thank you. And thank everyone who keeps this wonderful California Academy of Sciences fresh and new. I have been coming here since I was a little girl.
Lobe, Linda Bieri Glatt and Joe
Dear Claude
You have been the highlight of our granddaughter's visits to the Academy for the last 14 of her 16 years. Next week we plan to introduce our two grandsons to you and we know you will also be a big hit with them. See you then! (Note that because of Claude's shyness, the photo attached is not with him, but of another favorite!)
Love, the Schmidt family
All Academy Staff
You make our visits marvelous! You make the whole Academy experience the best it can be.
Love, Val and Greg Matonis
Dear Staff
Thanks for taking such good care of all the animals & plants. Give Claude a treat for me. Say Hi to the Dodo bird in the drawer. (Behind the scenes)
Happy Valentine’s Day! Linda Sue (Orion name winner)
Dearest Fish of the Aquarium
Thank you for being our special guests during our wedding ceremony. Your beautiful colors and bubbles really made for the most stunning backdrop on our special day.
With love, The Lopez Family
Dear Claude
Happy Valentines day hoping you guys are all well during this pandemic,
The Sutters
Educators and Scientists
Thank you especially to the Night School participants! We've received so much joy and have learned so much. I share your emails with my son, Eli, who inspired my membership and who now lives in VT. Also, it's so great to see our Academy in the news.
Love, the Bowens
Luis Rojas- Soto
To the love of my life and the tickle in my head.
Love, Your Wife Diana
My Love
Like the noble penguin, you chose to mate for life. And also like the noble penguin, I’ll hold your egg on my feet until it hatches.
Quack-honk, Your Peter Penguin