Robert Drewes chronicles 13 years of biodiversity work and educational outreach in the Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe.
February 16, 2016
Luiz A. Rocha
We are all still missing the large fishes, but our final days in Principe are very exciting. If you remember from one of our first blogs, the water here is clear and warm, so warm that most of us are...
January 29, 2016
Luiz A. Rocha
We head out to the Tinhosas on a very calm day. This will be our longest boat ride, about 3 hours to get there and since this is one of the most isolated spots around here, we are hoping for great...
January 22, 2016
Luiz A. Rocha
The diving begins and conditions couldn’t be better. Calm seas, warm and transparent waters, abundant ocean life. The diversity here is lower than in most of the Atlantic, but there are several...
January 14, 2016
Luiz A. Rocha
This month a team from the Academy, Universidade Federal Fluminense and Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina embarked in an expedition to the little known island of Principe.
April 29, 2014
Robert Drewes
Our eighth expedition has been a very different one; except for GG V this has been our only all-education mission. Readers will recall that our biodiversity awareness program began in 2010 when we...
March 5, 2014
Robert Drewes
The Biodiversity Education team has been hard at work on our product for GG VIII, of April, 2014. The 2000 students we have been visiting since the 3rd grade are now in the 5th grade and will be...
December 10, 2013
Robert Drewes
Colleagues in London, Drs. Simaikis and Edgecombe of the Natural History Museum, have just published a paper on centipedes that includes some very old specimens from São Tomé and Príncipe collected...
August 2, 2013
Robert Drewes
Much has happened since my last post from the islands a couple of months ago which accounts for the tardiness of this one. However, Rayna Bell, our Cornell PhD candidate did manage to post two videos...
May 24, 2013
Robert Drewes
During GG VII, just completed, a rather remarkable thing happened which readers should know about. I will write a wrap-up of Gulf of Guinea VII next month, but in the meantime I want to talk about...
May 3, 2013
Robert Drewes
After two hectic weeks of education activities on São Tomé, Rayna Bell (Cornell University) arrived and the four of us joined the botanists, Tom Daniel, Jim Shevock, Miko Nadel, Tamas Szuts (our...