Gambling pigeons, baseball, oil spill and the existence of Gliese 581g: Here are some science news stories we didn’t want you to miss this week.
Academy researcher Jens Vindum explains his work in Myanmar.
A ring-making moon, beers in space and lab girls: here are some of this week’s science news headlines we didn’t want you to miss.
US Army researchers, and other scientists, are working hard to protect honey bees from colony collapse disorder.
A new study indicates that rivers around the world are in trouble.
Researchers are finding that dinosaurs may have been even taller!
Plant science often gets upstaged by animal science. Well, enough is enough!
A fossil of a Hepatitis B-like virus was found in a bird genome-- how might this change the way we think about virus evolution?
Join us for our weekly science news round-up...
Will Triceratops go the way of Pluto? Losing its status as a dinosaur? Find out!
