Seahorses catch their super-fast prey 90% of the time. How do they do it?
Academy researcher Terry Gosliner talks about his recent trip to the Philippines.
By Jami Smith Today, the Academy opens ’Tis the Season for Science. This year’s holiday exhibit and prog...
Learn about the disease that is causing massive starfish die-offs on the west coast and how you can help...
Sniff out how pigeons and sea turtles use their sense of smell to navigate and find food.
What's behind the smell of rotting flesh?
Academy researchers examine the genomes of Heliconius butterflies to study evolutionary change in their genus.
Just how crucial are soil microbes to an ecosystem?
Small-shelled organisms might be our best monitors of ocean temperatures, past and present.
Learn about local fall migrations and how you can help track the migrating animals.
