Prevention efforts aimed at steering black bears away from human food and food waste have helped in Yosemite National Park.
A sensor that monitors oyster health and the one gene that allows tricky mimicry in swallowtails.
Researchers have discovered a diverse coral reef off of the harsh coastline of Iraq.
Does missing DNA make a plant not a plant?
Fish biomass estimates now 10 times as high as previously thought in the deep sea.
Cockroaches can survive anything, except the emerald jewel wasp.
Eye-catching science headlines this week include new Kepler finds, sea urchins and ecosystem functions, and everyone’s favorite—crow videos.
The California Academy of Sciences is partnering with iNaturalist to enlist an army of citizen scientists...
Smithsonian researchers have uncovered the cause behind mass marine stranding events occurring millions of years ago in Chile.
This forest reserve in Peru has the largest amphibian and reptile diversity on the planet.
