Scientists have sequenced the Tasmanian devil's genome in hopes to save the entire species from a deadly cancer.
Today we ponder the question which species, living or otherwise, is the best head-butter of all time?
Small crustaceans called copepods sink to great depths during hibernation by converting their oily body fluids.
Did large dinosaurs have warmer body temperatures than previously thought?
But never fear, we offer you our top five stories from the first half of 2011.
Diving bell spiders spin a web air bubble that allows them to breathe underwater.
A group of scientists are calling for less prejudice against invasive species.
To lase or not to lase, that is the question.
Less Snowpack, Forests and Out of Asia: join us for our weekly news round-up.
With so many threats facing amphibians, scientists (and citizen scientists) are racing to find solutions.
