A virus alters the gypsy moth caterpillar's behavior to climb high and melt, spreading the virus through caterpillar "raindrops."
Endangered hawksbill turtles are surfacing in a new habitat-- mangroves.
New research suggests that giants like the woolly rhino originated in cold places like the Himalayan foothills thousands of years before the Ice Age.
Unlike your smart phone, the stone tools of early humans took a long, long time to upgrade.
How can you ensure the seafood you're eating is sustainable? Ask a lot of questions.
One part of your brain separates animals from people (even famous ones).
A new study documents rising tropical civil wars during El Niño years.
Scientists have now estimated the number of species on Earth. Hint: It's somewhere between the numbers of 3 and 100 million...
Scientists have discovered how a certain species of butterflies behave like “the transformers of the insect world.”
Researchers have discovered fossils of 3.4 billion-year-old bacteria-- perhaps one of the earliest signs of life on Earth.
