In English and Spanish. A novel way to fight coral disease.
Learn about what's causing the destruction of coral reefs and how you can help save these essential ecosystems.
Two recent studies demonstrate how vegetation in the rainforest increases rainfall.
A first-hand experience as a citizen scientist in an Academy-led program.
Of the 250 some eggs these male marine snails carry, only one in four are his offspring.
A small pinky bone, tens of thousands of years old, offers as complete a genome sequence as living humans.

The Academy is exploring an underwater area too deep for scuba and too shallow for submersibles.

The Academy's Dave Kavanaugh recently returned from a "painfully lush" valley in the Juneau Icefield.
These insects were trapped in amber and fossilized 230 million years ago!
When will folks wake-up to the fact that human-caused climate change is real?
