Blind mole rats and naked mole rats don't get cancer. Perhaps by mimicking the way their cells behave, humans can fight cancer, too.
In Spanish and English. Housework makes female Komodo dragons’ lives shorter...
The Academy's Charles Griswold takes us through the process of science with an exciting new spider discovery.
When does a shell game become lethal? When it's played by this hermit crab.
Birding by webcam, Facebook and Google Docs…
In English and Spanish. Don't feel guilty about wanting more chocolate-- blame the brain!
What did ecosystems look like before the mass extinction event 65 million years ago?
So much research on sea urchins lately… Why? What’s it all about? The Academy's echinoderm expert explains all.
A new study by Academy scientist Zeray Alemseged determines that Lucy and her kin climbed trees.
The world’s trees are facing serious challenges as the climate warms, especially in the Southwestern United States. In Spanish and English.
