Daily 30-minute showings in Morrison Planetarium. Tickets are free with admission to the Academy and can be picked up at the Planetarium kiosk.
Check the daily calendar for more schedule information.
Embark on a journey back in time and across the Solar System, following the paths of asteroids and comets that have collided with Earth—and those that roam far from home. These ancient objects travel billions of years before reaching Earth, and their impact can be so powerful that just one collision can change the course of life on our planet.
Scientists aren't waiting for asteroids and comets to come to us to learn more about them—get an up-close look at spacecraft sent to rocky asteroids and icy comets to collect invaluable data. You’ll follow the trek of the Chelyabinsk meteor as it entered the Earth's atmosphere in 2013 and visualize major shifts in the history of the Solar System billions of years in the making—and all in under an hour.
Every frame of Incoming! was created in-house by the Academy’s Visualization Studio, a seasoned team of animators and engineers. To create this engaging visual journey with utmost accuracy, they relied on scientific and astronomical data and consulted with dozens of science advisors.
Scientists are finding new ways to track potential cosmic threats before they reach us. Get a closer look at some of the tools—including the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope in Chile and the proposed space-based Sentinel telescope—helping scientists detect moving objects near Earth.
Space isn't exactly conducive to sound recordings, so the Academy turned to longtime collaborators Mike Jennings to compose music and Christopher Hedge to design soundscapes for the show. Jenning's soundtrack is available for purchase on Amazon, iTunes, and Google Play.
Geologists have identified nearly 200 impact craters around the world, from Arizona's Barringer Crater—which marks a bad day for local life some 50,000 years ago—to the Chicxulub formation in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, an impact that led to the demise of the dinosaurs and provided an opportunity for our mammal ancestors to flourish.
Daily 30-minute showings in Morrison Planetarium. Tickets are free with admission to the Academy and can be picked up at the Planetarium kiosk.
Check the daily calendar for more schedule information.
The Benjamin Dean lecture series brings the world's leading experts in astronomy, astrophysics, and more to the Academy's Morrison Planetarium.
Morrison Planetarium is open for Thursday NightLife events, featuring special shows and presentations.
Created by Morrison Planetarium staff, these go-to resources cover important events occurring in our Universe.
For more information on licensing fulldome shows from the California Academy of Sciences, please contact Matt Krumme: mkrumme@calacademy.org.