Claude is turning 28 years young on September 15! We'll honor our favorite alligator with albinism with a smorgasbord of tasty treats (including fresh trout!) and a special birthday edition of Swamp Talk. Thanks for celebrating with us—Claude (and his team of attentive Academy biologists) really feel the love!

Dear Claude
Happy hatching day!! Hope you have lots of fun eating your hatching day treats!!
Love Lulu , Lisa, Bee and Corey
Dear Claude,
HIIIIIII, Happy 'Hatchday"!!! Pls give Claude my best regards!
Love, Kamryn
Dear Claude
Enjoy the cake - Happy birthday!
Love, the Marsh family
Hi Claude,
I remember when you arrived and were welcomed at the old Aquarium. Happy HatchDay
The Ryan’s
What up Claude
Happy happy bday
Dearest Claude
Happy 27th birthday!! Wishing you all the yummy foods ^^
Love, Melissa
You share a B-Day w/a special person and bring awesome memories! Love seeing you every time I visit. See you later, alligator!
Love, Soona
Hiya Claude!
Happy Birthday to you! You’re such a handsome fella and we love coming to Cal Academy to visit you and your friends! Hope to see you soon! Here’s to many more years!
Castaneda Family
Dear Claude
Hope you are having a amazing day
From Jordan and Iriam
Senor Claude
Happy Birfday Claude!!!!!! May your scales remain white and your teeth sharp for many more years!! We love you!
Love, The Hensley Family
Dear Claude
Happy Birthday!!! We love you and can't wait to visit you soon!
West Portal 5th Grade- Room 22
Happy Hatch day you handsome devil.
Yours faithfully Debbie
Dear Claude,
Happy Hatchday! You bring joy to my life and the life of my family thank you.
Love, Edie Parker
Dear Claude
Happy hatch day buddy!
Love, Marisa
Dear Claude,
Happiest of birthdays to our favorite gator! We have been taking good care of little Claude (my 3 year old daughters favorite stuffed animal) since our visit this spring. She was delighted when she heard it was your birthday and wanted to bring you a cake. Here's to hopefully another 27 years!
Derby Masen (and her mom)
