For some environments, “here today, gone tomorrow” is the M.O. From flooded flyways to the bottom of the sea, temporary ecosystems pop up (or sink down) all over the world, supplying numerous species with abundant, although momentary, habitats. We’re looking at the organisms that rely on these ephemeral ecosystems, and what humans are doing to protect them.

  • California’s vernal pools have distinct seasonal cycles and serve as hotspots for biodiversity with a high degree of endemism, including the extremely rare Conservancy Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta conservatio). Learn about the fascinating ecosystem of the Merced Vernal Pool and Grassland Reserve with Director Joy Baccei, and why the conservation of these grasslands is so critical.
  • The few remaining wetlands and irrigated farmlands of California’s Central Valley play a vital role in supporting millions of migratory birds traveling along the Pacific Flyway between the arctic and South America. However, many of these birds are not finding what they need to rest and refuel. Kristin Sesser (Point Blue Conservation Science) and Rodd Kelsey (The Nature Conservancy) will share some of the innovative work the Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership is doing to dynamically deliver critical habitat where and when these birds need it most in the Valley.
  • In 2011, a fully grown pregnant fin whale female was killed by a ship and washed ashore in San Diego. With the permission of NOAA and lots of help, scientists such as Greg Rouse, Professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, towed her out to sea 12 miles and sunk her in 850 meters of water. He’ll share what us what he’s learned over the past decade of using remote operated vehicles to document the diverse ecosystem that has developed there.

Photo credit: OET/NOAA

NightSchool is live on the first & third Thursdays of every month.

All NightSchool virtual programming is intended for audiences 21+.



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