Named after David Hasselhoff, Hoff crabs sport “hairy” chests.
The Academy's Stan Blum works in Biodiversity Informatics-- he documents what lives where.
When you watch a pitcher wind up and throw a fastball down the middle, you’re seeing millions of years of human evolution and adaptations in action.
Just don’t expect our leafy friends to balance your checkbook for you…
Almost a year has passed since crane operator Brandon Valasik discovered a Colombian mammoth tooth at the Transbay Transit Center.
How does ocean acidification affect oysters? How do oysters affect acidification?
The natural endowments of birds vary in so many ways!
Healthy ecosystems often rely on secret agents. Not spies, but organisms that might not seem to have an obvious connection to a natural community.
Read about the most comprehensive analysis to date of early human teeth from Africa.
In ecosystems, every organism plays a part. From the smallest microbe to the fiercest predator to the talle...
