Updates abound! No more lines makes entry a breeze, easy-to-clean flooring means shoes can stay on, and relaxed age restrictions mean everyone’s welcome. Plus, moms can nurse in a new, secluded nook and restrooms are now all-gender and family-friendly.
Curiosity Grove
Please note: Curiosity Grove will be closed for maintenance on Wednesday, September 25. We regret any inconvenience.
This completely reimagined educational playspace features vibrant, animal-filled murals that bring California’s diverse forest ecosystems to life, interactive, science-themed games and toys, and a variety of kid-friendly public programs.
What's new?
Space for adventure
Each area in Curiosity Grove is designed to build skills and promote play. Activity tables with puzzles and blocks encourage fine motor play, a tree tunnel activates high energy and gross motor play, and foam climbing elements and mats make the space comfortable and accessible for infants, too.
Different every day
You can always find something new to explore in Curiosity Grove. Whichever day of the week you visit, your little ones can look forward to a new set of books, tabletop activities, plush and puppet animals, costumes, and magnet wall activities.
About the muralist
The man behind Curiosity Grove's magical murals is LA-based illustrator and designer Alexander Vidal. His favorite part of creating these murals? Showing all the amazing creatures who call California home.
Curiosity Grove is open daily, 10 am-4 pm. It's located right next to the Lab Junior Store on the main floor.