• 2 baby camels stand side by side against a bright blue sky
  • Baby camel photographed from below against a bright blue sky
  • Cute baby camel standing in outdoor enclosure
  • 2 cute baby Tibetan yaks in a sunny outdoor enclosure
  • Cute baby Tibetan yak in an outdoor enclosure
  • Cute closeup portrait of baby Tibetan yak

Baby Animals in the East Garden
Daily during open hours; staffed 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m.
East Garden

Special delivery! Super-cute baby reindeer (Nov. 23–Dec. 5), camels (Dec. 6–19), and yaks (Dec. 20–Jan. 5) are visiting the East Garden this holiday season. Knowledgeable Academy staff will be present to answer questions about these incredible, adaptable ungulates (hoofed mammals) between 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. daily.

Learn more about our special guests, including how we're caring for them, on our 'Tis the Season for Science page.