Pt Reyes
Image by: Don DeBold

Reservations: This is a free event but you should RSVP through our Meetup Group. Bring your lunch, water and gear.


The spring wildflower season has just begun. Grab your camera and your hiking shoes and explore one of the most beautiful parks in the National Parks system. Pierce Point Ranch is home to an endemic species of Tule Elk as well as home to one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.  From the NPS "From its thunderous ocean breakers crashing against rocky headlands and expansive sand beaches to its open grasslands, brushy hillsides, and forested ridges, Point Reyes offers visitors over 1500 species of plants and animals to discover. Home to several cultures over thousands of years, the Seashore preserves a tapestry of stories and interactions of people. Point Reyes awaits your exploration."

You'll be led by a photographer who also once worked for the NPS to manage this Tule Elk herd and will share stories about the history of the elk and the conservation of Point Reyes.

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Lectures, Classes, and Excursions

Grab your headphones and your imagination while you listen to top scientists talk about their astronomical research on our iTunes podcast channel. The Academy's Benjamin Dean lecture series hosts the world's leading experts in astronomy, astrophysics, and more.

Pop some popcorn and enjoy a videotaped lecture from some of the top scientists in the world. Academy lectures offer thought provoking discussions on topics such as biology, ecology, sustainability, natural history, biodiversity, and evolution.

Garage Hours: 7 am – 7 pm, except Thursdays, 7 am – 11 pm