Flip Nicklin

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July 25 & 26: Conservation Photography Excursion: Life of the Farralons

Come do what 99% of San Francisco residents never do… hop aboard a boat and ride out under the Golden Gate Bridge to visit one of the richest marine ecosystems in the world. Join us for to see the whales and birds of the GFNMS.  Details and Tickets

Flip Nicklin, National Geographic Photographer - Marine Biologist

Join us for an evening where we will fully immerse you inside a sequence of images presented on the Morrison Planetarium's 75 foot all digital dome. You will experience a tour through the world's great oceans following one scientist as he chases whales in the pursuit of knowledge. As a leading expert on cetaceans, marine biologist Flip Nicklin dives into the ocean’s depths to swim with and study whales around the world. Cetaceans include dolphins, porpoises and whales and Flip has made stunning images of these magical ocean animals that are sure to take your breath away.

Among Giants tells the story of Nicklin’s life and career on the high seas, from his first ill-equipped shoots in the mid-1970s through his long association with the National Geographic Society to the present. Nicklin is equal parts photographer, adventurer, self-trained scientist, and raconteur, and Among Giants reflects all those sides, matching breathtaking images to firsthand accounts of their making, and highlighting throughout the importance of conservation and new advances in our understanding of whale behavior. With Nicklin as our guide, we see not just whales but also our slowly growing understanding of their hidden lives, as well as the evolution of underwater photography—and the stunning clarity and drama that can be captured when a determined, daring diver is behind the lens. Nicklin’s photographs bring us so completely into the underwater world of whales that we can’t help but feel awe, while winning, personal accounts of his adventures remind us of what it’s like to be a lone diver sharing their sea.

For anyone who has marveled at the majesty of whales in the wild, Among Giants is guaranteed to be inspiring, even moving—its unmatched images of these glorious beings an inescapable reminder of our responsibility as stewards of the ocean. Book signing to follow the dome presentation.

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Lectures, Classes, and Excursions

Grab your headphones and your imagination while you listen to top scientists talk about their astronomical research on our iTunes podcast channel. The Academy's Benjamin Dean lecture series hosts the world's leading experts in astronomy, astrophysics, and more.

Pop some popcorn and enjoy a videotaped lecture from some of the top scientists in the world. Academy lectures offer thought provoking discussions on topics such as biology, ecology, sustainability, natural history, biodiversity, and evolution.

Garage Hours: 7 am – 7 pm, except Thursdays, 7 am – 11 pm