since 1994, astronomers have discovered more than 5000 planets orbiting other stars..

What can humanity learn from other planets if it is to survive into the future?


Public: $15 Members and seniors: $12

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Searching for Planet B
Monday, March 6, 2023
7:30 pm Morrison Planetarium

Featuring Dan Tell, Morrison Planetarium

Do alien worlds hold the answers to humanity’s future? Can we use the discoveries from astronomy and modern space science to address the climate crisis here on Earth? Synthesizing the last 15 years of research lectures and science visualization at the California Academy of Sciences, this immersive talk was originally presented at last fall’s Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria. We will explore what we know about potentially habitable worlds, but also how modern space-based observations of our home planet can guide us toward a regenerative future.

About Dan Tell

Dan Tell focuses on integrating Graphic Information System data into planetarium software.

Dan Tell is the Manager of Planetarium Engineering at the California Academy of Sciences. His work over the last decade has focused on the integration of GIS data, including high-resolution terrain, for interactive use in planetarium software for climate and planetary geology visualization. This work engages with scientists to enhance their research and outreach with visualization-driven storytelling. Dan currently serves as President of the Great Lakes Planetarium Association and has previously served on committees of the International Planetarium Society.