The Black Hole M82 X-1.

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A Universe of Surprises
Monday, July 12, 7:30 pm
Virtual Astronomy Lecture

Featuring Chris Lintott and Laura Trouille, Zooniverse

Our universe is full of surprises, from ghost remnants of black hole jets to exotic planets around distant stars to Boyajian’s star, the most mysterious star in our galaxy. How do scientists cope with surprises? What is it like to think you might have found aliens? And how might you too make a remarkable discovery from the comfort of your home?

Laura Trouille is Vice President of Citizen Science at the Adler Planetarium and a Research Associate at Northwestern University. Together, Chris and Laura lead Zooniverse, the largest online community science platform, with 1.8 million participants worldwide.

Chris Lintott is a Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Oxford. He is involved in a number of popular science projects aimed at bringing astronomy to a wider audience, including as main presenter of the BBC TV series, The Sky At Night.