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Saying goodbye to Parcel Manuel Luiz

Marine Exploration

Day 3 - Unexpected end.

Luiz A. Rocha

We are finally here, and the most important piece of equipment onboard, the compressor to fill our scuba tanks, breaks down. It is unfortunate, and we will certainly be more prepared next time. But there are still some things we can do just snorkelling.

Getting ready for our last dive. Photo: J.A. Nunes.

School of Chubs (Kyphosus sectatrix). Large schools of fish were a common sight. Photo: J. Agreda.

A sight exclusive to marine protected areas, this school of Dog Snappers (Lutjanus jocu) had more than 100 fish. Photo: P. Horta.

Sampling a Nurse Shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum). The shark was released after the sample was taken. Photo: P. Horta.

The cause of our early departure, a failed compressor. Photo: C. Cordeiro.