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The entire Anthropology collection is available for virtual viewing via our searchable online database. The database includes digital images of the entire collection. Objects with older images may have lower quality photographs. Rephotographing these pieces is an ongoing project, with additional images added as they are produced.
Accuracy and Limitation of Liability
The Department of Anthropology makes every attempt to provide reliable identification and descriptions of the objects in its collection, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy of these data. The Department has been collecting ethnographic materials and producing catalog records since 1853. Over the years, many people have worked on researching and further identifying objects in our collection. Additionally, all of the documentation regarding our earliest collections was lost in the 1906 earthquake and fire, although parts of the collections themselves were salvaged. Some catalog records contain very little information, sometimes no more than a catalog number and name of object; other records are considered complete in their descriptions and identification. There are bound to be inaccuracies and misspellings, but we feel that the benefits of searching our entire database far outweigh the lack of complete information and/or any errors that may be present. If errors are found, we would greatly appreciate it if you would bring it to our attention. You may send your comments via email to anthropology@calacademy.org.
Positive identification should be verified by direct inspection of the objects themselves whenever possible. The California Academy of Sciences and its staff are not responsible for damage, injury or loss due to the use of these data. The collection staff of the Department of Anthropology will be happy to provide additional information, if available. Contact the Anthropology Collection Manager with inquiries.
The data and images in the Anthropology collection database are being revised and added to on a daily basis. The Web version of our database is updated monthly, providing you with the most current information possible.
Terms of Use
The site provides access to collection data housed in the Department of Anthropology, California Academy of Sciences. These data and all images within them are owned and copyrighted by the California Academy of Sciences, © 2024, with all rights reserved. The data and images may be used freely by individuals and organizations for purposes of basic research, education and conservation. These data and images may not be used for commercial or for-profit purposes without the express written consent of the California Academy of Sciences, and may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of the Department of Anthropology, California Academy of Sciences.
Use of the data or images in publications, dissertations and theses, or other scientific reports, should be accompanied by an acknowledgement of the Department of Anthropology, California Academy of Sciences, as the source for the information, and the Department must be notified. Written permission must be obtained for all publication use and a complimentary copy of any publications resulting from the use of these data and images must be provided to the Department of Anthropology. This helps us to document the use of specimens as “vouchers” in the literature. It also helps us to justify continued funding for the collections so that these resources remain available into the future. Publication fees are charged, but may be waived upon request for scientific and not-for-profit educational uses.
For more information on the access and/or use of data and images, please see our FAQs page. These FAQs include applicable contact information and downloadable publishing permission request forms.