The Academy is governed by a distinguished group of eminent scientists who have been appointed Fellows of the California Academy of Sciences in recognition of their notable contributions to one or more of the natural sciences. Nominated by their colleagues and appointed by the Board of Trustees, the Fellows remain members of the Fellowship for life.
The Distinguished Service Award is an honor that’s given to scientists, staff, or other colleagues who have made critical contributions to the Academy itself. Note that no award was given from 1996-2004.
1989 — John S. Hensill
W. I. Follett
1990 — Alan E. Leviton
Carol Prince
Dawn Davis
1991 — No Award Given
1992 — Steven B. Craig
1993 — Albert Mahood
Verdi Miller
1994 — Eleanor Vissor
1995 — Raymond Bandar
1996 — No Award Given
1997 — No Award Given
1998 — No Award Given
1999 — No Award Given
2000 — No Award Given
2001 — No Award Given
2002 — No Award Given
2003 — No Award Given
2004 — Patrica Dal Porto
2005 — Dave Kavanaugh
2006 — Robin Lawson
2007 — No Award Given
2008 — Martha Kropf
2009 — Jens Vindum
2010 — No Award Given
2011 — Jean DeMouthe
2012 — George Bell
2013 — Roberta Borgonovo
Sandra Linder
Robert J. Van Syoc
2014 — No Award Given
2015 — John E. Hafernik, Jr.
2016 — Elizabeth Patterson
Norm Penny
2017 — No Award Given
2018 — Alan E. Leviton
2019 — Terrence Gosliner
2020 — James R. Shevock
Margaret (Meg) Burke
Debra (Deb) Trock
2022 — John McCosker
2023 — Frank Almeda
2024 — Dave Catania
Elizabeth Kools