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Preschool Day

On October 25, we welcome preschools and daycare centers! Programs will target children aged 3-4.

Come play with us! On this special day for preschools, daycare centers, Family Resource Centers, and Preschool for All providers, we will have special activities aimed at students ages 3-4 years old. 

Preschool Day is Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Groups can explore the exhibits starting at 9:30 am.

We'll have extra programming designed for learners aged 3-4 running throughout the morning! Most programs are 15 minutes in length, and will be tailored to reach early learners.

All programs are drop-in, with no advanced reservations required. Get a seat early, and try to stay for the duration! Because programs happen simultaneously throughout the museum, you'll need to pick and choose the ones that interest you most. 

We highly recommend stopping by these hands-on exhibits as you roam the museum:

Admission is free for San Francisco preschoolers; sites from outside San Francisco receive the heavily discounted field trip rate of $12.95 per person.

One adult per two toddlers is permitted at these free or discounted rates. Extra adults may be added to your order at regular admission prices, if desired.

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Never been here before? Or, has it been a while?

Once a field trip is confirmed, teachers can bring a copy of their confirmation email and a photo ID to the Ticket Office to gain a complimentary admission ticket for any date before your scheduled field trip.

Planning Tips

  1. Select a learning objective. You can visit the Academy for free before your trip to help you plan.
  2. Design or choose a simple activity for your students to do on the field trip.
  3. Prepare your students. Tell them about where they will be going, and what they will be doing. This Social Story might be helpful.
  4. Prepare your chaperones. Would you like students to experience something specific?
  5. Leave time for student exploration, social interaction, and memory-making! Academy staff and docents are scattered throughout the building. Encourage your students to talk with them!

First-time field trip organizers might benefit from reading these Frequently Asked Questions about field trips to the Academy.