Part 1: CCCs speed dating (10 minutes)
- Tell participants that the goal of the next activity is to give them a first introduction to how the Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) are defined.
- Have each participant blindly draw a card. That card will have either the title of a CCC (e.g.; Patterns, Cause and Effect, etc.) or a CCC definition.
- Their task is to mingle around the room looking for their CCC match. If they have the title of a CCC, they are searching for the person who has the definition; if they have the definition, they are searching for the person who has the matching title.
- NOTE: if you have more than 14 participants in your session, clarify that there are multiple copies of each CCC title and definition, so they will end up in larger groups (for example, a group with 2 Patterns titles and 1 Patterns definition).
- When they find their match, the pair or group should sit down together at any table to show they have completed the activity.
- During the activity, walk around and help participants who are struggling to find their groups. You should also use some of this time to put out stations 1-7 for the next activity.
- Show the CCC Speed dating definitions slide. (Or, if you don’t have a projector, distribute this as a handout.) Ask participants if they correctly matched the CCC title with the definition.
- Pause and ask for any thoughts, comments, or questions about these definitions. Discussion questions may include:
- Were any definitions particularly difficult or easy to match. Why?
- Are any of these definitions surprising or confusing to you?
Part 2: Name that CCC! (25 minutes total: 15 minutes rotation, 10 minutes discussion)
- Tell participants that the goal of the next activity is begin to see what content or topics might be related to each CCC.
- Give instructions:
- Each participant will have a worksheet and will be visiting stations 1-7.
- At each station, they will see 3-5 examples of mostly science content that is related to one CCC. Some stations also include examples of non-science content.
- Their task is to identify the CCC that unifies all of the examples at the station. Participants should record their matches on the worksheet.
- The notes column can be used to jot down any thoughts about how they made the match, or ideas of other things that could fit into this CCC.
- They can work in pairs or individually.
- They can visit the stations in any order.
- Distribute the “CCC stations handout” and give participants about 10 minutes to complete the activity.
- When they have finished their station rotation, bring their attention back together for a group discussion.
- Go through the CCCs one by one and ask participants which station they identified as matching that CCC. For each CCC:
- Ask for a volunteer to explain why they thought those examples were representative of that particular CCC.
- Ask for any other content ideas that participants might have for each CCC.
Part 3: Wrap up (5 minutes)
- Have a short discussion asking participants to share their first impressions of the CCCs. Discussion questions may include:
- Do they think finding classroom connections for these ideas will be easy or challenging?
- Do they see any connections or overlap among the CCCs?
- How might the CCCs help integrate science with other subjects?