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Photo: Tom Hilton

Educator News

April 15: Ring Mountain Bioblitz

Join the California Academy of Sciences and Marin Country Day School in a bioblitz of Ring Mountain.

Lynne Harden

In celebration of national Citizen Science Day and in support of the City Nature Challenge, join the California Academy of Sciences and Marin Country Day School in a bioblitz of Ring Mountain!

What: Ring Mountain bioblitz
Where: Park and meet in the parking lot of the Marin Country Day School
When: 9:00 am on Saturday, April 15

The unique geology and microclimate of Ring Mountain provide a home for a number of rare plants. The soils on the ridge are heavily laced with the mineral serpentine. Soils derived from this mineral are toxic to most plants, but a number of species have evolved mechanisms to survive on serpentine. As a result, where serpentine soils are found, there are usually isolated populations of rare plants. The most extreme example of this phenomenon is the Tiburon Mariposa Lily, which is found on the upper slopes of Ring Mountain, and nowhere else on earth!

Learn more and register for the bioblitz

What is a bioblitz?

A bioblitz is an intensive, short study of biodiversity in a specific location. We’ll look for birds, mammals, wildflowers, reptiles, butterflies, insects, anything!

Who can participate?

People of all ages and skill levels are welcome! You bring your curiosity, a smart phone with the iNaturalist app downloaded (or digital camera), and tons of enthusiasm. We’ll rally some experts and folks who know the area. Together we’ll make some science!