My research interest revolves around the key issue of how we became human through evolutionary processes. My research program focuses on the discovery and interpretation of hominin fossils and their environments with emphasis on fieldwork designed to acquire new data on early hominid skeletal biology, environmental context, and behavior. I also employ recently developed imaging and visualization techniques to investigate internal and external fossil anatomies.
Research Associate & Fellow, Anthropology
Paleoanthropology/Human Evolution, Paleoclimate and Paleoecology, Paleolithic Archaeology, Geological Processes and Human Evolution
Research Associate, Anthropology
Dr. Todd Braje is an anthropological archaeologist, associate professor, and Research Associate in Anthropology at the California Academy of Sciences. His research interests include the deep history of maritime migrations and adaptations, human-environmental ecodyamics, and historical ecological approaches to understanding hunter-gatherer-fishers.
Senior Collections Manager, Anthropology
Ethnographic and archaeological collections management