Can't travel to Golden Gate Park? Your class can interact with our exhibits, animals, and experts in a live stream via our Distance Learning programs.
Spectacular Skulls -
- I am always looking for free resources. My curriculum is seriously out of date, so I often have to find online resources or spend my own money on science materials. I'm grateful that Cal Academy offers different programs and resources that are aligned to Next Gen standards and are available at low or no cost. Please keep providing these experiences for students. The Skulls presentation was more than I ever could have done in the classroom and fit in perfectly with what we have been learning (animal habitats, adaptations, food chains).
Science Storytime: Pierre the Penguin -
- We have not done any field trips this year because of the cost and hassle. The children felt as if they had a field trip after seeing this program; it was free and teachers did not have to deal with travel, chaperones, and collecting donations. My students were/are very excited about penguins and learned a lot as they always thought penguins were in 'cold' climates. The students were very excited to see their questions answered! I also shared with my students how I was uncomfortable since I am technologically challenged. My students were able to see that I could overcome my fear and share in my success. It was a good example for them.
Scientist's Scoops: -
- We are a Public Charter School in San Jose with limited funding for Field Trips, technology and Science. The Distance Learning Program provided by the Academy of Sciences was relevant, interactive and created real experiences for all students.The ability to interact and ask questions was both meaningful and informative for students. They noticed that they wondered about many of the same things as other students across the country.