The California Academy of Sciences sits on the stolen, unceded land of the Ramaytush Ohlone. The community science work we do throughout California also takes place on stolen native lands, primarily on ancestral Ohlone, Amah Mutsun, Miwok & Southern Pomo (Graton Rancheria) territories. As we connect, study, and learn on these lands, we continue to benefit from the historic exclusion and erasure of Indigenous peoples. Our work seeks to connect communities to nature, and this cannot be done without acknowledging the history of oppression these lands hold and seeking to help repair the immeasurable harm committed against the original inhabitants and stewards of California. Recognizing that we cannot undo the past, nor the harm done, this acknowledgment is the beginning of an ongoing commitment to reflect on our own complicity and to dismantle the lasting legacies of settler colonialism.
We invite you to join us in acknowledging the original caretakers of this land, and their elders both past and present, as we seek to understand and build our own personal connections to the nature that they steward.
Follow the links to learn more about Bay Area Tribes and to a great resource to help understand whose land you are on.