Color of Life Preview on June 11

Members See it First!

Thursday, June 11 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Speak with our scientists and get an insider look on how we created our new exhibit, Color of Life! This extensive new exhibit has an eye-popping array of organisms—from jewel-toned insects and birds with dazzling plumage, to multi-hued reptiles and amphibians. Immerse yourself in a symphony of color and view the world through the eyes of an animal, visualizing how color communicates, attracts, and camouflages within and between species.

See Color of Life before it opens to the public, and enjoy a day full of special members-only happenings including access to the scientists behind the making of the exhibit, special live public programs, our docent’s spectroscopy cart, coloring for all ages, and more.

No RSVP is required—we’ll see you there!

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