These immersive infographics and data visualizations make great interactive learning resources for secondary students or science teachers. Many come straight from bioGraphic, a multimedia magazine powered by the Academy.

From Leaf to Landscape

Old vs Mature Leaves; bioGraphic illustration by Jane Kim

A rainforest’s ability to take a deep breath depends on a somewhat surprising factor—the age of its leaves.

The Color of Drought

Visualization by Carnegie Airborne Observatory

In this silent video, view color-coded data which show how California's trees were affected by drought in 2016.

Catching the Rainforest's Breath

Visualization by Ken Ackerman

Ecosystem-wide, is the Amazon storing or releasing more carbon dioxide? Watch this silent clip to view the data.

Plate Tectonics & Earthquakes

Anatomy of an Earthquake

Anatomy of an Earthquake

Learn about all the individual elements and forces that make up an earthquake.

Sequence: How Seasons Affect Producers and Consumers

Connections to Human Society

How Many Planes Are in the Sky?


Real-time air traffic reveals travel patterns occurring on timescales far more rapid than species migration.

Teaching Tips

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